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Cabot Park Community Notes

2/04/2024: Fellow Cabot Parkers, the calendar is UPDATED! Please take a look for dates of HOA board dates, as well as Resident HOA meetings. You are welcomed to attend the Resident meeting, and read the minutes of the HOA Board meetings. We will be recording ALL HOA Resident meetings via Zoom and posting those as an archive file under the HOA Documents tab above. 


We have a Board meeting on the 10th and the first Residents meeting for CY 2024 is Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 6:00 pm. The link to Zoom in can be found in the calendar tab for that date. Please reach out if you have questions or need help. We would love max participation, your subcommittee needs your vote on a bylaw issue - please make the effort to attend. 


Your HOA board has been trying to contact past administrators for social media - none of them have responded. We will be creating yet ANOTHER Facebook and Next Door page come March if the past admins still do not respond. We will let you know once our pages are up and running. We will post them on this site and you will be able to click the apps log icon and register with the pages that way as well. 

1/30/2024: Cabot Parkers! Thank you to those that have registered with the site so far, we appreciate the support! Please remember, trashcans need to be taken either behind your house, stored behind a lattice, or put in your garage by 7:00 pm Monday. Any cans left out will be issued a citation. 


The HOA "All Hands" residents meeting will take place February 21st at 6:00 pm via Zoom - the link to join is attached to the calendar. We have a few items that your By-law Subcommittee needs your input on. Please make an effort to be online with us. 


As always, please reach out to a board member if you have any questions or concerns. Also, make sure to stop at ALL stop signs in our community, we do have several children and teens that play outside, as well as adults that walk through our neighborhood. Thank you for understanding and making the effort to slow down and stop.


Cabot Parkers, your board is off and running. We hope you had a chance to review our bios and check out our new website. We are exited for what lies ahead in 2024. As you may notice, we had the burnt out light posts fixed, the power turned back on at the entry sign (on Pickman Dr.). We also had our landscaper come and trim the bushes and clear the leaves. 


The board has been workshopping the idea of starting a community flower garden at the HOA entrance - more details to follow the closer we get to spring.  Speaking of spring, Cabot Park will be having a community yard sale in May. Please visit our calendar for all community events and updates. 


We look forward to any and all ideas you may have. Please contact a board member or make sure to join us at an HOA meeting to share your ideas and to help us build a stronger community. 

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